Ultra7z ZIP Optimizer 1.05

Ultra7z ZIP Optimizer
Optimize and convert your ZIP archves and other files (ZIP, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, XLSM, XLSB, DOCM, PPTM, ODT, ODS, ODP, ODG, ODF, ODB, APK, JAR, WAR, EAR, XPI, FB3, EPUB, CBZ) to smaller size! It uses 2 programs and selects the best result: ECT (Efficient Compression Tool), AdvanceCOMP. Program optimizes your file to new one with “_optimized” name ending (source file will remain intact). Maximum compression for files without quality loss – up to 10-30%! Full compatible with original format. The ZIP archive or other file is reduced by repacking its contents with a stronger compression algorithm. Batch processing of files (drag-n-drop). Compression mode: good (faster) or best (slowly). The main difference between Ultra7z ZIP Optimizer and other similar repackaging programs is that it saves quality of all pictures inside your archives. Full stats – saved disk space (Mb) total and for each archive in the list.

Ultra7z ZIP Optimizer 1.05 (c) 2020-2021

Please verify content of each file after optimizing.
Run only 1 active instance of the program!.

– Maximum compression for ZIP archives and other files without quality loss (ZIP, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, XLSM, XLSB, DOCM, PPTM, ODT, ODS, ODP, ODG, ODF, ODB, APK, JAR, WAR, EAR, XPI, FB3, EPUB, CBZ) – up to 10-30%!
– Full compatible with original format.
– High compression ratio – better than original program.
– Batch processing of files (drag-n-drop).
– Compression modes: fast (faster), normal, good or best (slowly).
– Compression of graphic files/images inside archives without loss in quality (Lossless) up to 5-30%!
– Option “Preserve file attributes (time stamps, file access rights, etc.)”.
– You can set “Low CPU usage (only 2 threads)” or uncheck it for best perfomance.
– You can set “Run in background (without console output)” or uncheck it for manual process control.

Used programs:
ECT (Efficient Compression Tool) (c) Felix Hanau – https://github.com/fhanau/Efficient-Compression-Tool
AdvanceCOMP (c) Andrea Mazzoleni – http://www.advancemame.it

It is a freeware compressor/optimizer for:
1. ZIP archives (compressed (zipped) folder, WinZip, WinRar, 7-zip and other archivers).
2. Documents MS Office (DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, XLSM, XLSB, DOCM, PPTM)(word DOCX, tables excel XLSX and presentations powerpoint PPTX).
3. Documents Libre/OpenOffice (ODT, ODS, ODP, ODG, ODF, ODB)(Writer ODT, tables Calc ODS, presentations Impress ODP, pictures Draw ODG, Base ODB, formulas Math ODF).
4. Apps for Android smartphones (APK).
5. E-Books (EPUB, FB3).
6. Comics (CBZ).
7. Java files (JAR, WAR, EAR).
8. Mozilla Firefox Extensions (XPI).

Current archive has its own status in the list: «running», «done» and «saved space».
Full stats:
1. Number of optimized files (total and current session).
2. Files in the queue (quantity).
3. Saved disk space (Mb) total and for each archive in the list.
(You need to save files «res\size.txt» and «res\numbers.txt» before updating, if you want to save the overall statistics («Total»)).

Please send any bugs and requests to [email protected] whith subject “Ultra7z ZIP Optimizer”
Use it carefully! Please create backup copy before use it.

Icon made by Eucalyp from www.flaticon.com

It’ free for commercial and non-commercial use!

If you like my program and you want help improve it, you can help me (donate) here.

Ultra7z ZIP Optimizer 1.05
– improved compression by adding:
ECT (Efficient Compression Tool) (c) Felix Hanau
AdvanceCOMP (c) Andrea Mazzoleni
– added option “Preserve file attributes (time stamps, file access rights, etc.)”
– added modes fast,normal,good,best
– added time start and finish
– added % in statistics
– added horisontal scroll in list of files

2020-05-24 – 1.01

Download Ultra7z ZIP Optimizer 1.05 (4 Mb):
Download here (3 mb)
Mirror 1
Mirror 2
Mirror 3

One thought on “Ultra7z ZIP Optimizer 1.05

  1. Arturs

    3MF format is missing
    I’m “waiting” for PDF, XLSX, ODS, 3MF, etc. to add support for JXL, AVIF. And switch to 7zip ZSTD compression. All the download links are shady, use inbox lv files or something. In the meantime I use the File Optimizer


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